Annual General Meeting 2019

Saturday, March 16, 2019 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Location: Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School, Thickwood

The FMGCS AGM is scheduled on Saturday March 16th, 2019,

Time:  3:00 pm to 7:00 pm followed by Dinner. 

Venue: Father Merc High School, Thickwood.

We would like to request nominations for the following executive positions for the year 2019-2020. Please submit your nominations to by March 10, 2019. Any members interested in performing duties of Election Commissioner, please submit your nomination and committee will make the final selection based on the interested members.

Vice President
Web Coordinator
Program Coordinator (2)
Food Coordinator (2)
Facilities Coordinator (2)
Library Lead

Please refer to The FMGCS Constitution for detailed functions of the listed positions.

Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School, Thickwood Boulevard, Thickwood, Fort McMurray, Wood Buffalo, Alberta, T9K 1P1, Canada